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Manage Pricing Estimates (Work-ups)

Revised December 9, 2008


A Workup is an estimate the user creates for a prospect including a Lot, Plan, and Options.  






Create a New Workup






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Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > Workup Link


  1. Select the Create New Workup link.

  2. Use the pull-down menu to either Select a Lot Number or to Select a Plan.  Note: This is an either/or selection.  Selecting a lot number then offers Plans available on that lot; selecting a Plan then offers Lots where the Plan is available.

  3. Select the desired Plan or Lot (depending on the pull down selection made in Step 2).

  4. Select Continue to save the workup and return to the Workup List screen.  As necessary, select Cancel to return to the Workup List screen without saving the workup.

Delete a Workup


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Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > Workups tab


  1. Select Delete link at appropriate workup.

Note: If Prospect has placed a Lot Hold on the lot, Delete link is not available for selection.

Print Associated Workup Documents










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Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > Workups tab


  • The user may print various workup documents to present to the Prospect. The documents may be used to evaluate options priced and available in the plan on the lot, or as a summary of the pricing estimate the workup represents, displaying all details and pricing.
  • The user should determine the 'life' of a printed estimate, since price changes happen in BuildTopia in real time.


  1. Hover over printer icon at Actions column.

  2. Select from the following print forms:
    1. Option Price List - launches a PDF with Option Code, Description and Price for the Plan selected in the workup
    2. Option Price List by Category - launches a PDF with Option Code, Description, and Price for the Plan selected in the workup, organized in Option Category order
    3. Workup Summary - launches a PDF: Pricing Addendum format, with all Buyer, Lot, Plan, and Option information for the workup
    4. Workup Summary by Category - launches a PDF: Pricing Addendum format, with all Buyer, Lot, Plan, and Option information for the workup, organized in Option Category order
  3. Send PDF to your printer.

Submit Agreement







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Navigation Path

SR > Prospect Record > Workup tab


  • Submit Agreement converts a Workup to a Sales Agreement with a status of Agreement Submitted, where it is displayed in the SM module for review and response (see Manage Agreement for more)
  • Certain Associated Tasks may be completed [though they are not required] prior to selecting Submit Agreement link:
    • Select Options - Options may be added, deleted, or revised prior to submitting the agreement
    • Create / Manage NSOs - NSO's can be created and submitted prior to submitting the agreement
    • Process a Lot Hold - The Lot in the Workup may be put in a 'hold' status visible to other users
  • Submitting the Agreement to the SM converts the Prospect record to a Buyer record


  1. Select the Submit Agreement link for the workup to be submitted.

NOTE: If a lot hold has been placed by another prospect on the lot selected for the workup, the following message will be displayed: "Prospect [Prospect Name] already has a hold on this lot. Submitting this workup will release that lot hold."  If you wish to release the existing lot hold, select the OK button; to leave the lot hold and cancel the workup submission, select the Cancel button.

  1. When the Submit Agreement is selected the Submit Agreement for Workup #__ screen displays. Certain associated tasks may be completed on this screen prior to Sending the agreement. These tasks are discussed in Sales (Purchase) Agreements:
    • Add Incentive
    • Enter Differential
    • Enter Contingency
    • Add Deposit
    • View / Print Contract and Pricing Addendum
  2. Use the text field to enter Internal Comments (required to Send Agreement).
  3. Select the Send button to continue to the Confirm Buyer Name screen, or as appropriate, select the Cancel button to cancel the submission and return to the Workups screen.
  4. Use the Buyer First Name and Buyer Last Name text fields to confirm the Buyer(s)' Legal Name(s).
  5. Select the Submit button to submit the agreement to the Sales Manager for approval, or as appropriate, select the Cancel button to cancel the submission and return to the Workups screen.

Select Options
















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To Print Option Lockout PDF

Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > Workups tab


The Builder may be using the Option Lockout process to manage the Construction Schedule and prevent the customer from selecting options after construction has commenced on those options. In this case, the user will find it valuable to Print the Option Lockout PDF form for use in planning option and material selections for Workups and Change Orders. For a full discussion on this topic, see Manage Schedule Option Lockouts and Manage Option Lockout Override.


  1. Select the Print Option Lockout Date PDF link.

  2. A PDF launches displaying Lot, Plan and Buyer information with a list of all Options in the workup with Projected Lockout Date and Phase.

To Select Options

Navigation Path

SR > Prospects


  • Options are selected as modifications to a Base House Plan or a Base House Plan with Standard Options.
  • Within the BuildTopia application, the "select options" task is completed in the Purchase Agreement Workup prior to submitting the agreement for approval or prior to Completing a SPEC workup.  Options selected after submission of the contract or acceptance of the SPEC are processed as change orders.
  • Options are selected for an existing workup and cannot be specified prior to creating a workup. If your company utilizes standard options, those options will appear on workups as designated for each plan in the Data Library.


  1. In the Actions column, select the Select Opt's link.
  2. Select Options: Workup #__ screen displays, defaulted to Current Options Category at pull down filter.
  3. Use the pull-down menu to select Options for addition or deletion from the Workup.  
    1. Select the desired option category (e.g., appliances) or to generate a list of all options, select All Categories.
    2. Select Filter.
  4. For the generated category(ies), note if any options are flagged in the first column.
    1. STD = Standard Option Note: This flag is designated as part of setup for options.
    2. ! = Mandatory Option.  Note: This flag is designated as part of setup for lot-dependent options.
    3. * = Locked Out Option.  Note: This flag is designated as part of setup for house type schedule templates.
    4. SP = SPEC Option. Note: This flag is designated when options are added to a SPEC and then made available for workups.
    5. X = Unavailable Option.  Note: This flag is designated as part of setup for lot-dependent options.
  5. For each option that the prospect selects, complete the following.
    1. Use the and to enter option Quantity.
    2. Review the information in the Option column to determine what required selection notes must be entered.
    3. For brief selection notes information (e.g., "black" or "cherry"), use the text field to enter the required selection notes in the Selection Notes section.
  6. As appropriate, select the Documents (#) link to attach a document for the selection or view associated documents.
  7. When all selections are made for the filtered category, select Save.  

Note: In addition to saving the selection information, this also calculates the Options price for the selected options.  The total price is found in the Workup Summary box to the right of the workup section of the screen.

  1. As appropriate, repeat steps 2 through 6 for additional option categories.
  2. When all options are selected, select Finish to save all selection information and return to the Workup List screen.


Create / Manage NSO















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Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > Workups tab


  • NSO's are custom options, i.e., they have not been estimated or priced and made available in the Plan at the Data Library for user selection. If allowed by the Builder, the number of NSOs varies from user to user.
  •    Some builders choose to accept and review NSO requests as part of the sales contract process, while others limit NSO requests to post-contract negotiations.
  • See Custom Option Management for a full discussion and step by step procedures to create and manage NSOs.

Create NSO Steps

  1. Select Create NSO link.
  2. Enter Prospect's name from drop-down menu of Prospects with workups on this lot.
  3. Use the text field to enter a detailed description of the NSO Request (in layman's language).
  4. Select Save button to save and return to the request later; Save & Submit button to save and submit to the NSO module for management, or Cancel button to return to the previous screen.
  5. The Submitted NSO is processed from this point forward in the NSO module on the user's home page.

Note: Only approved NSOs will appear in the pricing summary.\

Manage NSO Steps

  1. Select NSO link.
  2. Selecting the NSO link from the Prospect's Workups tab takes the user to the NSO Module > Lot Matrix tab > Prospect's sub-tab, with the subject NSO displayed, with the following available actions:
    1. Hover over the printer icon in the actions box to print the NSO for Buyer and Seller signature, with or without dollar value displayed
    2. Select Buyer View link to display the NSO as requested by the Buyer
    3. Select Manage link to proceed to View NSO #__ screen and manage the NSO
    4. Select Delete link to delete the NSO and return to NSO List screen

Process Lot Hold









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Create Lot Hold: Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > Workup


  • The user may create a (soft) lot hold to flag other users working within the SM and SR modules that a Prospect has identified an interest in a specific lot. The hold does not prevent another user from submitting an offer on the lot, but acts as a courtesy notice for others working in the project.
  • The flagged lot displays Lot Hold as the Sales Status in Lot List for SM and SR modules.
  • The Sales Manager cannot pull a lot from or add a lot to a Release Status if the lot is in a Lot Hold status.


  1. Select Hold Lot link.

  2. Use the text field or calendar view to enter the date lot hold will expire.
  3. Select Submit button or Cancel to return to previous screen.

Remove Lot Hold: Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > Workup


  1. Select the Remove Lot Hold on [date] link.  
  2. The lot hold is automatically removed.

Provide a Pre-Qualification Estimate























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Navigation Path

SR > Prospects > [Prospect Record] > Financials sub-tab

Mortgage Prequalification


Provide a pre-qualification estimate to a prospect as a "good faith" estimate of loan and closing costs.  The user should instruct the prospect to contact a qualified mortgage broker for actual numbers.

There are two prerequisites necessary before a user may provide pre-qualification estimates:


  1. Select a Workup by number from the pull-down menu [which auto-fills data from the selected workup], or
  2. Enter an Estimated Home Price using data entry field.
  3. Use the text fields and pull-down menu to enter the following required information.
    1. Annual Income ($$)
    2. Monthly Debt ($$)
    3. Loan Type (pull-down).  
      1. Select Calculate to populate the following fields from the Loan Program setup.  Edit these fields as appropriate.
        • Discount Points (%)
        • Term (Months)
        • Interest Rate (%)
        • Recommended Ratio
      2. As desired, select the Compare Loans link to generate a comparison of estimates for all loan programs setup for the project.
    4. Down Payment ($$)
    5. Seller Contribution ($$) (optional, if a seller contribution was entered during the Financials setup)
  4. Select the Calculate button to generate a Total Monthly Payment and a Revised Total.
  5. Select Save to save entered information and refresh the Mortgage Pre-qualification screen.
  6. As desired, select Print to generate a PDF version of the estimate.

Update Mortgage Info


If a Mortgage Company has been associated with the Prospect, a second sub-tab displays under Financials: Update Mortgage Info sub-tab.


  1. Select the Update Mortgage Info sub-tab.
  2. Use the text fields to enter the following information
    1. Title Company
    2. Pre Approval Date (Use format: mm/dd/yyyy)
    3. Mortgage Application Date (Use format: mm/dd/yyyy)
    4. Appraisal Order Date (Use format: mm/dd/yyyy)
    5. Mortgage Approval Date (Use format: mm/dd/yyyy)
  3. As desired, enter comments in the Create New Comments section.  Select Add.  Added comments are now visible in the Comments History section.
  4. Select Save to save entered information and return to the Mortgage Pre-qualification screen.  Select Cancel to delete any entered information and return to the Mortgage Pre-qualification screen.

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